Although this could be zig-zagged with her relationship with Kendall.All Girls Want Bad Boys: Tested but subverted when Jo admitted that she hated bad boys in real life.In "Big Time Reality," the boys discover the only place where the cameras can't see them is inside the air vents.Subverted in that the guys were nice to the blogger while he was in there, got him sparkling water, and that he actually enjoyed his time in the vents. Air Vent Passageway: In Big Time Blogger.Carlos and Kelly eventually destroyed it after it called Kelly weak.

Is a Crapshoot: In Big Time Jobs, the high tech coffee maker named Cal that Carlos had to deal somehow became sentient and tried to cover the earth in foam. In Big Time Video, Marcos the photographer berates the boys that their video was horrible, saying "My dead chihuahua could do better!" Carlos Alazraqui (who plays Marcos) voiced the Taco Bell chihuahua that died in 2009.In Big Time Wedding, the man from immigration headquarters removes his glasses in a familiar fashion (like a certain Vice Principal.) He even persecutes the same janitor character like he did in their previous show.With a proper haircut and shave, he will remind anyone of another janitor from Polk Middle School. Actor Allusion: Buddha Bob is the good-natured janitor who also gets to be the boys' mentor figure time by time.So James, why didn't you just listen to Gustavo and stay in the room? Accidental Marriage: In Kerplankistan, you're wed when you give someone a white rose.